
More info about testing the SDK for marketers here.

First, you need to enable debug mode for full logs from the SDK.
To enable it, set the initialization object with isDebug as true:

const option = {
  isDebug: true,
  appId: '78xXxXx35',
  devKey: 'UsxXxXxXxed',
  onInstallConversionDataListener: true,
  timeToWaitForATTUserAuthorization: 10,
  onDeepLinkListener: true,

appsFlyer.initSdk(option, null, null); // null can be functions for success or error handler

Testing for iOS

Open your ios project with XCode (appName.xcworkspace) and run it. In the logs section or in the console app, you will see logs related to AppsFlyer start with [AppsFlyerSDK].

Search for launch event that looks like this:

<~+~   SEND Start:
{ launch event payload } // Just an example of a JSON. you will see the full payload

and also:

Result: {
    data = {length = 64, bytes = 0x7b226f6c 5f696422 3a224476 5769222c ... 696e6b2e 6d65227d };
    dataStr = "{\"oxXxXxd\":\"DXxXxi\",\"oXxXer\":ss,\"olXxXxain\":\"xXxXxXx\"}";
    retries = 2;
    statusCode = 200; // ~~> success!
    taskIdentifier = 4;

For more iOS integration tests, see Here

Testing for Android

Open your Android project with Android studio (android folder) and run it. In the logs section (adb), you will see logs related to AppsFlyer start with I/AppsFlyer_x.x.x.

Search for launch event that looks like this:

I/AppsFlyer_6.4.3: url:
I/AppsFlyer_6.4.3: data: { launch event payload } // Just an example of a JSON. you will see the full payload

and also:

I/AppsFlyer_6.4.3: response code: 200 // ~~> success!

For more Android integration tests, see Here