Roku (BrightScript)

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AppsFlyer Roku SDK integration

AppsFlyer empowers gaming marketers to make better decisions by providing powerful tools that solve real pain points, including cross-platform attribution, mobile and web analytics, deep linking, fraud detection, privacy management and preservation, and more.

Game attribution requires the game to communicate with AppsFlyer APIs over HTTPS and report user activities like first opens, consecutive sessions, and in-app events. For example, purchase events.
We recommend you use this sample app as a reference for integrating AppsFlyer into your Roku channel

AppsFlyerRokuSDK - Interface

AppsFlyerRokuSDK.brs, included in the source/appsflyer-integration-files folder, contains the required code and logic to connect to AppsFlyer servers and report events.


This method receives your API key and app ID and initializes the AppsFlyer Module that sends first open and session requests to AppsFlyer.

Signature metode

AppsFlyer().init(<< DEV_KEY >>, << APP_ID >>)


' Initialize the AppsFlyer integration (send first-open/session event)
AppsFlyer().init(<< DEV_KEY >>, << APP_ID >>)


NOTE: It is recommended to set the APP_ID manually.

When retrieving the APP_ID dengan GetID() roAppInfo, the channel ID is "dev" if the application is sideloaded, and then app will not be able to communicate with the AppsFlyer endpoint.


This method sends first open and session requests to AppsFlyer.

Signature metode





This method stops the SDK from functioning and communicating with AppsFlyer servers. It's used when implementing user opt-in/opt-out.

Signature metode



' Starting the SDK
' ...
' Stopping the SDK, preventing further communication with AppsFlyer


This method receives an event name and JSON object and sends in-app events to AppsFlyer.

Signature metode

logEvent: function(eventName as string, eventParameters as object, eventCustomParameters = {})


' logEvent without eventCustomParameters
trackEventParameters = { "af_revenue": 24.22, "af_currency": "ILS" }
AppsFlyer().logEvent("af_purchase", trackEventParameters)

' logEvent with eventCustomParameters
trackEventParameters = { "af_revenue": 24.22, "af_currency": "ILS", "freeHandParam": "freeHandValue" }
trackCustomEventParameters = { "freeHandParam": "freeHandValue" }
AppsFlyer().logEvent("af_purchase", trackEventParameters, trackCustomEventParameters)


This method sets a customer ID that enables you to cross-reference your unique ID with the AppsFlyer unique ID and other device IDs. Note: You can only use this method before calling Start().
The customer ID is available in raw data reports and in the postbacks sent via API.

Signature metode

setCustomerUserId(string cuid)


AppsFlyer().init(devkey, appid)

Running the sample app

  1. Open the appsflyer-sample-app folder in VSCode.
  2. In source/main.brs, replace the following parameters with your own:
devkey = << DEV_KEY >>
appid = << APP_ID >>
  1. Deploy the channel: - by (using this plugin makes it easier), - by zipping the content of the source folder
    Zipped source
    and then deploying it to Roku through Roku's Development Application Installer:
    Zipped source

  2. After the app loads, you may use the following commands through the Roku remote:

    • Click the down button to set customer user id (cuid) to "AF roku test CUID".
    • Click the right button to set customer user id (cuid) to "" (reset it).
    • Click the up button to stop the SDK.
    • Click the left button to send the start (first open/session) event.
    • Click the options button (*) to send logEvent.
    • Click the replay button (*) to send logEvent with custom parameters.
    • Click the OK button after every command in order to refresh the logs.

Implementing AppsFlyer in your Roku channel


  1. Copy the files from the appsflyer-integration-files folder into your project.
  2. Add the following code to your main.brs file and Initialize the AppsFlyer integration:
Function Main(args as Dynamic) as Void
End Function

sub showAppsflyerChannelSGScreen(args as Dynamic)
    screen = CreateObject("roSGScreen")
    m.port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
    scene = screen.CreateScene("AppsFlyerScene")

    ' Initialize the AppsFlyer integration
    AppsFlyer().init(DEV_KEY, APP_ID)
    ' Enable debugging if necessary
    AppsFlyer().enableDebugLogs(true) ' same as AppsFlyer().setLogLevel("debug")

    ' ConversionData response arrives here
    while true
        msg = Wait(0, m.port)
        ?"MESSAGE RECEIVED: "msg.GetData()
        msgType = Type(msg)
        if msgType = "roSGScreenEvent"
            if msg.isScreenClosed() then
            end if
        end if
    end while
end sub
  1. Start the SDK.
  2. Report in-app events.